
Fork extensions

Fork extensions

Fork risers / fork extenders custom made. Can be made up to a maximum length of 100 mm and are in..

115.00€ Ex Tax: 95.04€

Internal throttle

Internal throttle


110.00€ Ex Tax: 90.91€

custom spacer

custom spacer

How to order a spacer:A = outside diameter in mm   (minimum 6 mm , maximum 100 mm)B = inne..

0.00€ Ex Tax: 0.00€

custom made offset sprocket

custom made offset sprocket

The best way to measure the offset Install the original front sprocket on the engine block. I..

0.00€ Ex Tax: 0.00€


custom made offset sprocket

custom made offset sprocket

The best way to measure the offset Install the original front sprocket on the engine block. I..

0.00€ Ex Tax: 0.00€

Suzuki clutch modification

Suzuki clutch modification

With the Suzuki DL1000 DL1050 SV1000 and the Kawasaki KLV1000, a construction fualt can play occurs..

250.00€ Ex Tax: 206.61€

custom spacer

custom spacer

How to order a spacer:A = outside diameter in mm   (minimum 6 mm , maximum 100 mm)B = inne..

0.00€ Ex Tax: 0.00€

Fork extensions

Fork extensions

Fork risers / fork extenders custom made. Can be made up to a maximum length of 100 mm and are in..

115.00€ Ex Tax: 95.04€